Saturday, October 16, 2004

Why insurance shouldnt be related to Employment

Ok, for those of you who dont know, i work in a rural county hospital. We are the primary physician for many people with Medicaid who can't get doctors to take their Medical insurance.
Last nite a fellow came in, he cant read, has other physical/intellectual challenges...has worked for WalMart for 6 yrs. He was recently transferred to a WalMart in a new area. When he was transferred he had insurance where he'd worked for 6 yrs. When he got to the new store, the personnell dept gave him the usual new hire paperwork, with no one to assist him, remember he cant read. In order to find someone to assist him with the paperwork, remember he's in a new area, he was late getting the paperwork filed at the WalMart....consequently, he was informed he is without Health Insurance, for at least one year, until re-enrollment comes around. Now, someone with these kinds of challenges, who obviously wants to pay his own way, stay off of the government system, provide his own insurance, had insurance with the same employer before he was transferred, deserves better treatment in our society. If i am not mistaken, this is a violation of ADA rules... I plan to call WalMart corporate, beginning with this employer,
I will post here regarding any "stink" i can raise.... (rw)

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