Thursday, October 14, 2004

Healthcare Meltdown

There is a Healthcare Crisis in America. What are some of our options? We hear legislators tell us that a National Health Plan would make Healthcare unwieldy, costly and inefficient...That tells me they dont know that it is already. If they are not able to recognize the current state, can they really predict the outcome of any proposed intervention? I think not.

"Americans tend to believe they have the best health care in the world, but in truth it is a second-rate system and destined to get a lot worse and much more expensive.
It need not be this way."

Read the October "TIME" Magazine Article here: Please comment

"As shown in several of these papers, health care systems fail to provide in full measure such simple life-saving, morbidity-sparing interventions as immunizations, diabetic glucose monitoring, and the use of drugs for those with heart attacks. Every region and every state exhibits underuse of effective care, some more so than others. "

Read this "Health Affairs" article here: Please comment

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how sad this country has sunk this low, where is all of our tax money gone to, a good portion is going to this trumped up war, its draining this country of its resources--J.

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