Sunday, September 07, 2008

Insurance Claims-GOP candidate misrepresents Dem Plan

i just want to put out a correction to the typical GOP misrepresentations about this specific plank of the Democratic Platform. We've lived the GOP plan, and the results of that plan put into action for the last 8 years are Distastrous. Do they really expect that we will give them ANOTHER FOUR years?? I wont, and i hope you wont either.

McCain claimed that Obama's health care plan would "force small businesses to cut jobs" and would put "a bureaucrat ... between you and your doctor." In fact, the plan exempts small businesses, and those who have insurance now could keep the coverage they have.

The claim that "small businesses" would have to "cut jobs, reduce wages," runs counter to Obama's actual proposal. Obama's plan would require businesses to contribute to the cost of insurance for employees or pay some unspecified amount into a new public plan. But his proposal specifically says, "Small businesses will be exempt from this requirement." And it offers additional help to small businesses that want to provide health care in the form of a refundable tax credit of up to half the cost of premiums.

Furthermore, Obama's plan wouldn't "force" families into a "government-run health care system." His plan mandates that children have coverage; there's no mandate for adults.

People can keep the health insurance they have now or chose from private plans, or opt for a new public plan that will offer coverage similar to what members of Congress have. Obama would also expand Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program. His plan certainly expands government-offered insurance – and McCain's doesn't – but it's not a solely government-run plan

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